Auction: Plegge 135 – Marshall County, KS

On behalf of Larry and Maxine Plegge, Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers is proud to present this Marshall County, Kansas real estate to the public. Located in the heart of the North-Eastern Kansas corn and soybean country just one mile north of Marysville and two miles north of Highway 36, this tract is comprised of approximately 135 acres more or less of excellent upland tillable with well-maintained waterways and terraces.
The owners are 3rd generation stewards of this land and have taken great pride in preserving it over the years. With the soil comprised of class 2 Wymore silty clay loam, this prime land is proven to produce excellent crops. Parcels like this one don’t appear often and would make an excellent addition to any producer or investor’s portfolio. Don’t miss this ONCE IN A LIFETIME opportunity to own this remarkable Marshall County land.
Please contact Marshall County Rural Water District at 785-353-2430 for information regarding availability and capacity.
Please contact Terry Anderson at 620-364-6826 for more information. Â
Brief Legal Description:Â The SW 1/4 of Section 14, Township 2 South, Range 7 East of the 6th P.M., Less 15 +/- acres in the SW corner, Marshall County, Kansas.
Driving Directions:  At the junction of Hwy 77 into Marysville and Hwy 36; Go east through Marysville on Hwy 36 for approximately 1.5 miles to 11th Rd. Go north for 2 miles on 11th Rd. to the southwest corner of the subject land.
Earnest Money:Â $40,000 due on the day of auction.
Closing and Possession:Â Full possession shall be at closing.