Auction: Southern Marion County, KS Cropland – 80 +/- AC – 2/19/2025

This attractive highly tillable upland crop parcel is located in southern Marion County between Peabody and Elbing. Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers is honored to represent the Gatz, Taylor, and Byrne families with the sale of the property via online auction. The property is a highly efficient (90% tillable) and attractive cropland unit for the area with bonus recreational appeal and potential for a build site with utilities located beside the parcel. This is an excellent opportunity to invest in highly tillable cropland in a strong farming area!
The property totals 80 +/- acres in size and is located southeast of Peabody in southern Marion County, within 4-miles of both Butler and Harvey counties. The parcel is located just over 1-mile from pavement and is located within an easy 3-mile drive of the grain elevator in Peabody. The property is composed of productive upland cropland and is a highly tillable (90% tillable) and efficient unit with a vast majority of the cropland on the property located in one large 70-acre field. Crop acreage on the parcel lays level to gently rolling for the area with productive soils for the area (roughly 65% Irwin Silty Clay Loam and 35% Clime Silty Clay Loam class III soils). Overall, this is a nice highly tillable crop unit that is located in a strong farming area with a nice location near pavement and the grain elevator.
In addition to the strong agricultural attributes of the property it also offers both recreational and rural residential potential. The property has nice hedge rows on its northern and eastern borders, blocks of timber to the west, north, and east of the property, and additionally the back portion of the property is hidden from the public road offering deer hunting opportunities to the outdoor enthusiast. Multiple nice shooter bucks were still on the property in late December with good deer numbers frequenting the parcel. For those looking for a location to build in the country, utilities are located along the western edge of the property. Electrical service is located along the western edge of the property and according to the rural water district they also have a 2” line running along the western edge of the property. Please contact Harvey County Rural Water District #1 at 620-837-5634 regarding rural water availability and capacity.
You aren’t going to want to miss your opportunity to purchase this attractive southern Marion County parcel. Productive highly tillable parcels with adjoining utilities and recreational appeal don’t often hit the open market in this area so don’t miss your opportunity to purchase this attractive unit. Please call Henry Ott at 620-437-7340 to set up your property showing today!
Auction Information: Online auction beginning at Noon on 2/17/2025 with a dynamic close beginning at Noon on 2/19/2025. Please contact Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers to register for the auction.
Earnest Money: $30,000.00 due on the day of the sale.
Closing Date: On or before March 25th, 2025.
2024 Taxes: $796.36
Driving Directions from Peabody: Head south on Old Mill Road for 2-miles to 40th Street. Head east on 40th Street for 1-mile to Pawnee Rd. Head north on Pawnee Rd for 1/4-mile and the property will start on the east side of the road.
Legal Description: N2 SW4 of Section 14-22S-3E of the 6th PM; Marion County, KS
Mineral Rights: 100% of seller owned minerals transfer to buyer. No active production.